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Saturday, March 12, 2011

Your Perfect Karma Yoga

Your Perfect Karma Yoga/Volunteering work/Tithing

Being able to help others can be very rewarding. Intend on giving to others with an open heart, clear mind, and enrich spirit. Only give when you truly feel it and not out of obligation. There are many ways to give and it can physical & spiritual. Always remember, that when you give, you will also receive.

1. Offer prayers to others
2. Send others light & Reiki energy
3. Give resources
4. Give information
5. Give money
6. Give smiles
7. Give compliments
8. Give with an open heart
9. Give in comfort & truth
10. Give clothes
11. Give to the Earth
12. Give to the other relatives (i.e, animals, plants, minerals)
13. Give to humanity
14. Give food

Positive Affirmations:
I focus on what is good and loving in other people, thus contributing to their ability to experience themselves in a more positive way.
Everything I give others honors and acknowledges their worth.
I allow people to be any way they want to be.
I accept and love others unconditionally.
I serve others to the best of my ability in all I say and do.
I open to receive the divine seeds of inspiration that bring humility and selflessness. I honor all life around me.
Everything I do adds beauty, harmony, order, and light to the universe.

For more info, visit "The Sweetness of Giving" -

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